
Collection of woman news, found 1.233 news.

Mary Tyler Moore recovering nicely after surgery

U.S. actress Mary Tyler Moore had a four-hour brain operation to remove a benign tumor and is "recovering ...

Indonesian woman receives Whitley Award from Princess Anne

Royal Princess Anne of the British Empire has handed the Whitley Award 2011 to Dr Hotlin Ompusunggu of Indonesia for ...

10-year-old Bolivian seeking mom ends up in Chile

A 10-year-old Bolivian boy who hid on a truck in an effort to visit his mother in prison ended up in Chile after an ...

NATO troops kill Afghan policeman, woman in night raid

Afghan and foreign troops shot dead an Afghan policeman and an unarmed young woman during a raid on a compound in ...

First lady calls for right against human traficking

Opening the ASEAN Confederation of Women`s Organizations (ACWO) at the State Palace here on Friday, First Lady Ani ...

Bin Laden, two others didn`t fire on seals-sources

Only one of four principal targets shot dead by U.S. commandos in the raid which killed Osama bin Laden was involved ...

White House alters narrative of Bin Laden raid

Factual errors concerning some of the most explosive details of the raid that killed Osama bin Laden have forced the ...

European discomfort grows about Bin Laden killing

European happiness with the death of Osama bin Laden was tempered on Wednesday by details showing he was unarmed when ...

Boat accident victim found in Tuban

A drowned victim of the boat which went down in Bengawan river, Padang village, Trucuk sub-district, Bojonegoro, E ...

Three sinking boat passengers killed in Bengawan Solo river

Search and Rescue (SAR) team found three passengers of a ferryboat which sank in Bengawan Solo river in Padang ...

Bin Laden used wife as human shiels: US official

Al-Qaeda mastermind Osama bin Laden used one of his wives as a human shield in an apparent attempt to try to save his ...

Syria protesters given surrender ultimatum

The Syrian authorities on Monday set a deadline of 15 days for people who had committed "unlawful acts" to surrender, ...

Bomb kills four near Pakistan mosque: police

A bomb exploded near a mosque in northwest Pakistan on Monday killing a woman and three children, just hours after the ...

Bin Laden could be buried on Monday in Saudi Arabia

According to Muslim traditions, the body of the deceased should be buried within 24 hours after the individual`s ...

Landslide kills woman in Garut

A housewife, identified as Kokom,28, was killed in a landslide in Cigulawing village, Garut district, West Java at ...