#work safety

Collection of work safety news, found 54 news.

Healthy Pregnant Women Movement as stunting-prevention measure

Indonesia's Government is promoting the Healthy Pregnant Women Movement on December 14-22, 2022, to prevent ...

Government strives to expand scope of HPV immunization

The government is working towards expanding the scope of the human papillomavirus (HPV) immunization program to reduce ...

Construction sector should strengthen work safety, health: Ministry

The Manpower Ministry encouraged the construction sector to strengthen the Work Safety and Health (K3) Program, such as ...

L20 discusses social protection issues for workers

Delegations at the L20 summit event discussed three key issues that they raised in the G20 engagement group, including ...

Minister Fauziyah presses for applying labor norms at workplaces

Minister of Manpower Ida Fauziyah called on stakeholders in the employment sector, including employees and employers, ...

Indonesian VP on dual mission during visit to Japan

Vice President Ma'ruf Amin and Second Lady Wury departed for Nippon Budokan to attend former Japanese Prime ...

Ministry asks stakeholders to ensure discrimination-free workplaces

The Manpower Ministry has urged all stakeholders to prioritize the realization of workplaces that are free of ...

VP listens to aspirations of Indonesians living in Japan

Vice President Ma'ruf Amin on Monday listened to the aspirations of Indonesian nationals who are currently ...

K3 norms crucial for business continuity ahead of endemic: Ministry

Manpower Minister Ida Fauziyah expressed belief that the work safety and health (K3) norms are an important key to ...

G20 Indonesia

Global employment recovery attempts start in Bali at G20 LEMM

Indonesian Manpower Minister Ida Fauziyah believes that current and future challenges can only be overcome through ...

G20 LEMM yields five agreements

The 2022 G20 Labor and Employment Ministers' Meeting (LEMM) has yielded five agreements related to the employment ...

LEMM G20 documents best outcome in current scenario: Ministry

Manpower Ministry's Secretary General Anwar Sanusi said the five agreement documents produced by the G20 Labor and ...

G20 Indonesia

G20 concurs on accelerating development of inclusive labor market

G20 member countries assented to the importance of expediting the development of an inclusive labor market for people ...

G20 Indonesia

G20: Indonesia to seek inclusive labor market for disabled people

Indonesia will invite G20 nations at the Labor and Employment Ministers Meeting (LEMM) to develop a more inclusive ...

G20 Indonesia

G20: Indonesia targets manpower ministers' declaration to be agreed

The Manpower Ministry will hold the G20 Labour and Employment Ministers Meeting on September 12-14, 2022, in Bali, ...