
Collection of xinhua news, found 1.841 news.

Trial of "grain crops to feed crops" fattens economy in northwest China's Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture

-Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture in northwest China's Gansu Province is a typical dry farming area. With nearly 80 ...

Roadshow of the 2nd CIIE arrives in Indonesia

-Although the inaugural China International Import Expo (CIIE) is still outgoing from a month ago, its second edition ...

Dozens demonstrate in Gaza against internal division, Israeli blockade

Dozens of Palestinians demonstrated on Monday in Gaza city against an internal division between Islamic Hamas movement ...

China's leading dairy company Yili buys Thailand's largest local ice cream enterprise, accelerating its internationalization

-Yili Group held a grand signing ceremony in Bangkok, Thailand on November 29th to officially buy Chomthana, which is ...

Asia's largest dairy producer Yili announces world's first annual report on biodiversity protection - "being 'first' is not only operation but also responsibility"

-The 14th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention on Biodiversity is being held in Sharm el Sheikh, ...

Xinhua-Yunnan (Pu'er) Coffee Price Index officially unveiled in Beijing

-China Economic Information Service (CEIS) of Xinhua News Agency, the government of Pu'er City and Yunnan International ...

Haikou is honored as one of the first group of international wetland cities

-Haikou wins the honor as one of the first group of international wetland cities at the 13th Conference of the Parties ...

Antara, Fena agree to exchange information

The Indonesian News Agency Antara and the Boznia-Herzegovina News Agency Fena agreed to exchange information and data ...

Zhejiang Xianju creates a county model of "Beautiful China" with green development

-From October 12th to 14th, the 3rd China's County Green Development Xianju Forum was held in Xianju county, Zhejiang ...

Abbas slams killing of palestinian woman by settlers as "awful crime"

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said Saturday that killing a Palestinian women by Israeli settlers in the northern ...

China's Shaanxi Blower (Group) extends presence along Belt & Road routes

-Shaanxi Blower (Group) Co., Ltd ("Shaangu" for short), now a system solution provider in the field of distributed ...

"World Green Design Contribution Award": Lumy House was internationally recognized

-On September 27, 2018 World Green Design Forum Brussels Summit & the 8th World Green Design Contribution Award ...

The 2018 China (Qufu) International Confucius Cultural Festival & the Fifth Nishan Forum on World Civilizations opened in Qufu, China

-On September 26 morning, the 2018 China (Qufu) International Confucius Cultural Festival & the Fifth Nishan Forum ...

A high-standard medical device industry competition is held by East China's Xianju to attract talents

-On September 18th, the first press conference of China Xianju's first global medical device innovation competition was ...

Hangzhou held a promotion meeting in Hong Kong to deepen economic and trade exchanges between the two cities

-The "New era, New cooperation, New development -- Glamorous Hangzhou" promotion meeting was held in Hong Kong on ...