"Almost all massage parlors in Sorong serves as prostitution houses and they are out of control," a local woman leader Moi Tin Kalami said here on Tuesday.
Moi Tin said prostitution has been rampant in Sorong resulting in high rate of HIV/AIDS cases as well as violence on women in the city.
"In order to save people of the younger generation the Malanu location and the massage parlors should be closed," she said.
She question the need for forming a special committee by the city council to study call for the closure of prostitution centers.
"We appreciate the decision of the city administration to ban sales of alcoholic drinks. We hope the government also close prostitution houses," she said.
Sorong Mayor Lambert Jitmau said his administration also wanted to close prostitution centers but it could not be easily done as prostitutes also need income to live on like any other people.
"PSK (prostitutes) also want to live , therefore, plan to close prostitution centers has to be prepared so that no body is hurt," the mayor said.
He said the city administration has studied and discussed the prostitution issue with the city council to find a right solution, whether the places have to be closed or moved away from the city center.
If the places is to be closed, the city administration has to find a way to be fair to the women living from commercial sex , he added.
Papua is among the regions in the country having largest number of HIV/AIDS cases.(*)
Editor: Heru Purwanto
Copyright © ANTARA 2016