When we do find evidences, we will reveal it to the public."Kupang (ANTARA News) - The East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) police have continued to conduct investigation in some areas suspected to be the base camps of terrorist and radical groups attempting to undermine the ideology of Pancasila.
"So far, we are merely investigating several areas in NTT. We cannot make any arrests without strong evidence," NTT Intelligence Police Chief Musa Tampubolon informed ANTARA News in Kupang on Thursday.
Tampubolon made the statement at a seminar on the dissemination of terrorism reporting guidelines and the enhancement of press professionalism in terrorism reporting in Kupang.
At the seminar, Musa affirmed that last year, a member of Santosos terror group was arrested in the west region of Manggarai. Since that arrest, it can now be confirmed that terrorists have infiltrated NTT.
Musa noted that the presence of extremists is possibly due to the strategic location of NTT, as it lies between West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) and Sulawesi.
"Geographically, NTT is very close to the central base of the Santoso radical group in NTB. Our territory is also located en route to Java, NTB, and Sulawesi, making it convenient for these extremists to make a stopover in the province," he noted.
Apart from NTTs geographical location, the regions landscape also plays a major role. Its open-island landscape and lack of residential areas make it difficult for the authorities to reach certain locations, making NTT a prime spot for hideouts, orchestrating activities to spread the radical ideology, and conducting military training.
With regard to areas suspected of being base camps for terrorist groups, Musa pointed out that they were not in a position to reveal information on them as the intelligence body was conducting investigation.
"When we do find evidences, we will reveal it to the public," he added.
Despite the ongoing investigation, he urged the public to not panic. Instead, he called on the people to lend a helping hand to the authorities in an attempt to capture the members of terrorist groups.
"Be aware and anticipate the presence of foreigners in each area, but do not take any extreme steps. If you observe something suspicious, report it to the authorities immediately. We will take the required action as we are prepared to assist round the clock," Musa added.
(Reported by Kornelis Kaha/Uu.KR-ARC/INE/KR-BSR/H-YH)
Editor: Priyambodo RH
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