Children must be protected from the negative impact of technological development and consumerism."
Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara (ANTARA News) - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has called for the protection of children from the negative effects of technology and consumerism.

"Children must be protected from the negative impact of technological development and consumerism," he said at the commemoration of the 23rd National Family Day here on Saturday.

The President noted that this did not mean that children are prohibited from using technology and seeking information with it, while advising children enjoy the positive uses of technology.

But he urged parents to guide their children towards taking advantage of the positive and productive side of information technology.

"I also want to remind them of their important role in promoting character revolution to make people become more optimistic and enjoy working hard, while becoming leaders, instead of followers," he said.

He added that parents must instill productive minds in their children and said, "If they can do it, we believe we will be able to produce a golden Indonesian generation which is victorious, innovative, productive and visionary."

On the occasion, President Jokowi pinned medals of appreciation onto family members who have carried out family planning programs and made notable achievements.

"Keep on with your service, spirit and achievements to make the family development, population and family planning programs successful," he said.

(Reporting by Hanni Sofia Soepardi/Uu.H-YH/INE/KR-BSR/F001)

Editor: Priyambodo RH
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