Solo, C Java (ANTARA News) - President Joko Widodo asked his government officers to approach the community in an effort to listen to aspirations of the people.

"Policy makers, politicians, bureaucrats, and social leaders as well as businessmen must accept inputs from people that contain the people`s aspiration," Widodo said here on Sunday.

Widodo made the remarks at the 69th commemoration of Human Rights day held in Solo, Central Java.

Several officers who attended the event including Minister of Law and Human Rights Yasonna Laoly, Minister of Public Works and People Housing Basuki Hadimuljono, Head of President`s Staff Teten Masduki and Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo.

President said he always escort the policy from the upstream to downstream of the program to fulfill the people`s necessity.

"I always check and monitor the program. I believe the good policy isn`t about the quantity, but how the people, particularly low income people, get benefits of the program," Widodo said.

The government, according to the president, should work actively to guarantee the compliance of social and cultural rights as well as economic and politics necessities.

Widodo said the government tries to provide employment so the people can get proper income.

He admitted the government is still improving system to provide better access of health and education service for people.

The protection of cultural and religious values also become the focus of the government, he added.

Reported by Desca Lidya Natalia

Reporter: antara
Editor: Heru Purwanto
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