According to the presidential regulation, candidates for president and vice president need professional security and escort from the date of stipulation up to the announcement of candidates for President and Vice President elect by the General Election Commission (KPU).
The safeguards and escort of candidates are carried out by the National Police of the Republic of Indonesia, according to the Perpres quoted from, on Thursday.
"In the event that the president and vice president become candidates, security and escort are still provided in accordance with the provisions of the legislation," reads Article 2 paragraph (2) of the Presidential Regulation signed by the president as of Sept 19, 2018.
The safeguarding and escort of candidates, according to the Presidential Regulation, is carried out right from the time of announcement of the candidate pairs till the stipulation of the elected candidate for president and vice-president.
This regulation stipulates that the safeguarding of candidates includes the candidates personally; wife or husband of a candidate; residence and lodging used by candidates; place of activities, events, and other installations attended by candidates; food and medical needs; and vehicles used by candidates.
The escort of candidates also includes the candidates personally; the wife or husband of a prospective candidate; and vehicles used by prospective candidates.
The security and escort of the candidates is carried out by the Presidential Security Force (Paspampres) after the General Election Commission (KPU) determines the results of the presidential and vice presidential elections.
"Further provisions regarding the technical guidelines for the implementation of security and escort of candidates are regulated by the Regulation of the Indonesian National Police," Article 7 of this Presidential Regulation reads.
Security and escort of candidates, according to this Presidential Regulation, are financed from the State Budget for the Budget Section of the Republic of Indonesia National Police. The security and escort of the candidate pair of the president and the candidate for vice-president are financed from the State Budget of Revenue and Expenditure in the Budget Section of the relevant State Ministries / Institutions.
"This Presidential Regulation comes into force on the date of promulgation," read Article 10 of the Presidential Regulation promulgated by the Minister of Justice and Human Rights Yasonna H. Laoly on Sept 19, 2018.

Reporting by Joko Susilo
Editing by Eliswan
Reporter: Antara
Editor: Andi Abdussalam
Copyright © ANTARA 2018