"The summoning step was decided after going through a discussion at the Bawaslu Riau plenary meeting last night," Riau Bawaslu Chairman Rusidi Rusdan told Antara in Pekanbaru on Thursday.
According to Rusidi, the summons was carried out because Bawaslu felt the need to ask questions about their presence in the declaration of support carried out by Pro-Jokowi in Pekanbaru, and had invited polemic in all circles.
"Regarding the elected Governor and the regent / mayor of Riau who signed a statement of support to one of the 2019 General Election Candidates / Vice President, we will ask for further clarification as to the chronology of the event and what the purpose and objectives of the activity are," said Rusidi.
Besides that, he continued, he would also call the executive committee to get more complete information.
"Planned calls will be made next week," he said.
He added a list of names of local officials who would be asked for clarification in accordance with the existing signatures of support.
"All who attend and sign a statement of support will be called one by one," he said again.
Furthermore, Rusidi stated that the summoning material will be focused on the possibility of fulfilling the criminal element, especially the article of state officials who take action to benefit or harm one of the election participants, in accordance with Law No. 7 of 2019.
Meanwhile, speaking of sanctions in Law No. 7 of 2019 is stated if proven to be threatened with a maximum 2-year prison sentence and a fine of Rp24,000,000.
"In addition, we will also see the possibility of violations of the use of state facilities with the same threat of punishment or it could be a violation of both," he added.
Keep in mind previously reported the declaration of support for all regional heads in Riau was held at one of the hotels in Pekanbaru.
This declaration was attended by the elected Governor of Riau Syamsuar and elected Deputy Governor Edy Natar Nasution. The declaration was held on Wednesday (10/10/2018) at one of the four-star hotels in Pekanbaru. The Projo mass organization, along with its general chairman Budi Arie Setiadi, also witnessed the declaration.
The declaration was led by Syamsuar as the elected Governor of Riau. Screams of supporters repeatedly for the support of Jokowi-Ma`ruf. They crowded a finger as a sign of political support for Jokowi-Amin in the upcoming 2019 presidential election.
The contents of the declaration were read by Syamsuar which was followed by a number of other regional heads. The following letter of support was read.
Towards the implementation of the 2019 Election, the dynamics that took place in Riau Province led to the emergence of various views and attitudes of the community today. The emergence of these views and attitudes is part of the process of maturing democracy that cannot be avoided.
"Furthermore, we examine that the leadership of Mr. Ir. H Joko Widodo at present, in favor of the interests of the people and have demonstrated the success of development, it is necessary to continue its leadership within the next five years," he said.
So with this, the elected governor and elected deputy governor, along with 12 regency / city regional heads throughout Riau Province fully support: Joko Widodo and Ma`ruf Amin, as RI`s President and Vice President 2019-2014, "Syamsuar said.
Then each regent and mayor in Riau signed the letter of support. Only two who did not attend this event were Pelalawan Regent M Harris and Inhu Regent Yopi Ariyanto. But both of them are said to have agreed to provide support to Jokowi-Amin.
Reporting by Fazar Muhardi/Vera Lusiana
Editing by Eliswan Azly
Reporter: Antara
Editor: Fardah Assegaf
Copyright © ANTARA 2018