The 52 damaged homes were located in Ceguk Village and Graha Kencana housing complex in Tlanakan Sub-district, Buddih Village, Sopaah Village, Jarin Village, and Pegagan Village in Pademawu Sub-district, and Panaguan Village in Larangan Sub-district, Budi Cahyono, coordinator of the swift response team of the Pamekasan disaster mitigation office, said here, Tuesday.
The whirlwind affected several villages in three sub-districts in Pamekasan, he noted.
Incessant heavy rains and whirlwind that hit Pamekasan on Monday also triggered floods and power outage in several areas.
On February 1, 2019, a whirlwind and downpour also hit Pamekasan and caused flooding in Jungangcang and Kolpajung villages as well as led to several trees falling down.
Reporting by Abd Aziz, Fardah Assegaf
Reporter: Antara
Editor: Sri Haryati
Copyright © ANTARA 2019