"In the near future, the rules will be issued in the form of ministerial regulations concerning academic integrity. So we will pursue not only the quantity of publications but also their quality and (academic) integrity," said the ministry`s director general of research and development strengthening, Muhammad Dimyati, at the Sinta Talk in Semarang, Central Java, Tuesday.
? ?He explained that a number of academics were dismissed or had their scholarships and research funds stopped as their integrity was problematic.
It would be understandable if the problem was caused by a lack of knowledge. However, it would be intolerable if it was done intentionally, he said.
? ? "This forum serves as an arena for self-introspection for the Science and Technology Index" or Sinta. Even though we are young, we want to produce the best publications," he said.
? Sinta is a portal that contains performance measurement of Science and Technology (Science and Technology) which includes the performance of researchers or writers, journal performance, science and technology institution performance.
Sinta was launched on January 30, 2017 by Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education Mohamad Nasir. Sinta also aims to facilitate data collection and mapping of scientific publications conducted by academics and researchers in Indonesia.
Dimyati explained that he had set up an investigation team to analyze data at Sinta.
He said his side had received many complaints from both national and international communities about violations of ethics and scientific integrity in Sinta.
On that occasion, he also asked academics to work hand in hand in creating a good research environment to produce new innovations. A number of countries such as the Netherlands have become one of the nations which have the largest exports in the food sector.
The country is very small compared to Indonesia. For this reason, there is a need for innovation to improve the nation`s competitiveness.
? ?"Now that we have innovative young people, they must be managed properly so we will become a developed country. We must provide space for them to innovate," he added.
Reporting by Indriani, Eliswan Azly
Editing by Suharto
Reporter: Antara
Editor: Suharto
Copyright © ANTARA 2019