We will continue the development (of PLBN) at 11 other locations.
Jakarta (ANTARA) - The Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Ministry will develop 11 state border posts (PLBN) in five provinces.

"We will continue the development (of PLBN) at 11 other locations," the ministry's head of Region and Infrastructure Development Agency (BPIW), Hadi Sucahyono, noted in a webinar here on Thursday.

The 11 border posts to be established comprise four PLBN in North Kalimantan; two PLBN each in West Kalimantan, East Nusa Tenggara, and Papua; and one in Riau Islands.

The ministry had earlier completed the development of seven PLBN in Entikong, Nanga Badau, and Aruk in West Kalimantan; Skouw in Papua; and Motaain, Motamasin, and Wini in East Nusa Tenggara.

"All have been completed, not only the immigration building but also its supporting facilities, including the market that can be used by local residents for economic activities," Sucahyono remarked.

In addition to the construction of PLBN, the ministry has continued the development of areas around the border post, including special houses and roads. It has constructed 30 houses in Rokan Hilir District, Riau, and 13.61 kilometers of road in Kapuas Hulu, East Kalimantan, to ease the mobility of goods, services, and people.

Earlier, PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono stated that the ministry had developed the border areas under three programs: development of PLBN and its supporting facilities, roads in border area, and special houses in the border area.

Hadimuljono affirmed that development of the border area is expected to create new economic and cultural centers that will benefit the local people. Related news: President inaugurates cross-border post in Aruk, W Kalimantan
Related news: Jokowi inaugurates Indonesia-Malaysia border post


Translator: Aji Cakti, Sri Haryati
Editor: Suharto
Copyright © ANTARA 2020