"Based on the data from Pontianak Class I Plant Quarantine Office, a total of 53 tons of durian are exported from West Kalimantan province every two months," he stated in Pontianak on Tuesday.
According to Anum, durians have been exported from the province in February, April, and June this year.
They are mostly being exported in frozen form, he said. At present, there are several durian processing factories in the province, he added.
"The durian processing companies are ready to accommodate (the durian crops). What we need right now is to encourage farmers' cooperatives to collaborate with processing companies so that the market price can be assured," Anum said.
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As of 2020, the area under durian in West Kalimantan province is 1,268 hectares, with total production reaching 14,672 tons, he informed.
"We experienced a production decline from the previous year harvest of 27,207 tons from a harvest area of 2,851 hectares," he said.
Several local durian varieties originating from West Kalimantan province have been declared as superior by the Agriculture Ministry, he added.
The local varieties are Balening durian, Yellow Jemungko durian, Serumbut durian, Slipi durian, and Tembaga durian varieties from Sanggau district, the Jarum Mas durian variety from Kubu Raya district, and the Empakan durian variety from Kapuas Hulu district, Anum informed.
"The latest Serumbut durian variant has been exported, following other varieties of Mansau durian, Raja Mabah durian, Sawah Mas durian, Aspar durian, Kalepet durian, Lokad durian, Manjar durian, RinBud durian, and Torong durian," he added.
To improve the economic value of durian and improve farmers' incomes, the Food and Horticulture Office has been organizing activities, such as durian contests, to promote durians in West Kalimantan districts and other provinces.
"By holding durian contests, we are expecting to promote local durians, thereby opening new market opportunities and increasing the farmers' income," Anum stated.
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Translator: Dedi, Nabil Ihsan
Editor: Suharto
Copyright © ANTARA 2021