Pangkalpinang (ANTARA) - Social Affairs Minister Tri Rismaharini was amazed by the singing skill of girl with vision disability, Oktria Nofianti, while she was in Pangkalpinang Mayor's official residence in Bangka Belitung.

"This golden voice is a gift that God gives to anyone, because God is all-just and self-sufficient," she said in a written statement received in Pangkalpinang on Sunday.

The singer, Oktria Nofianti, 20, was the third child of Kastini, a family of beneficiaries of the Family Hope Program with. She had a chance to converse with the minister, and she conveyed her intention to sing in Japanese.

Currently, Nofianti is still in twelfth grade at YPC Pangkalpinang Special High School. Her limitations do not stop her from pursuing her dreams.

Nofianti said that her passion of music started early, because she often listened to songs when she was younger. When she entered school, she was offered to take part in a competition. Much to her own surprise, she won second place on a provincial level in 2013, when she participated in competition for the first time.

Her success story continues. "The most impressive thing is that in 2016, I went to Manado by a plane. Also In 2020, I won the first place, even though (the competition was hosted) online," she proudly recounted her achievements.

She also mastered bocce, in which she also won its championship.

"Aside from participating in a singing competition, I have also participated in the National Student Sports Competition, and thank God I won the first place at the Provincial level and the national runner up number I. The branch of the competition I participated in was boci (bocce)," Nofianti said.

Bocce is a type of sport that involves throwing or rolling a heavy ball as close as possible to a small target ball.

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Rismaharini has been present in Pangkalpinang since Saturday, December 18. She did several activities during the course of the day, such as handing out assistance.

The ministry's logistical assistance for Bangka Belitung Province was recorded at Rp. 727,328,390. For the tidal flood victims in Batu Belubang Village, Central Bangka District, the assistance came in many forms. One of them were basic needs packages alongside others, with a total value of Rp175,880,640.

The ministry also allocated basic needs packages for West Bangka Regency as many as 300 packages worth Rp. 54,000,000.

At the Pangkalpinang Mayor's Official House, Rismaharini handed over a total of Rp1,477,295,580 for attention assistance. The aid comprises was aimed for orphans, entrepreneurship, accessibility, and basic needs. There were a total of 919 beneficiaries.

Related news: Commission to help address issues of people with disabilities

Translator: Aprionis, Mecca Yumna
Editor: Suharto
Copyright © ANTARA 2021