Jakarta (ANTARA) - Professor of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia, Prof. dr. Tjandra Yoga Aditama, SpP(K), reminded the public to be wary of Omicron variant infection even though the symptoms are relatively mild.

"As its transmission rate is very high, infections caused by this variant can burden hospitals with a high number of cases," Aditama said in a health webinar, here on Sunday.

The new variant of COVID-19 is still spreading in various parts of the world. Although some patients have no symptoms and others experience mild symptoms, infection with the Omicron variant can still cause death. The World Health Organization (WHO) says that within 10 weeks, there have been 90 million cases of the Omicron variant.

"This figure is almost the same as all cases in 2020," Aditama said.

The professor said reinfection cases were also more common in patients who have been infected with this variant. This can be shown from a number of evidences that Omicron can penetrate the immunity of people who have suffered from COVID-19.

He reminded people who had received the complete vaccine to receive a booster vaccine to increase the body's protection from potential transmission.

He said in various countries, omicron cases had started to decline after the spread of the case lasted for about 1-2 months. But there are also countries where the number of cases is still growing.

Related news: Increase in COVID-19 cases triggered by Omicron variant: PDIB

Based on the Omicron case data at Persahabatan General Hospital (RSUP), the symptoms often experienced by sufferers are dry cough as much as 63 percent, sore throat 54 percent, colds 27 percent, headache 36 percent, fatigue and muscle pain 60 percent, abdominal pain 5 percent and fever 18 percent.

"In the past, people who went to the hospital often complained of symptoms of fever. Now, people are more likely to have problems with upper respiratory tract," he said.

He reminded the public to continue to apply health protocols and immediately check themselves when they feel symptoms or are in close contact with an infected person. If the public suffers from an infection caused by the Omicron variant, he advises them to immediately notify people who have been in close contact. The government is also expected to make testing easier, and improve close contact tracing.

Then, Aditama also believes that vaccination is crucial to increase the body's protection from the potential transmission of COVID-19. Hence, he hopes the public is willing to be vaccinated, while the government is expected to facilitate vaccination and increase vaccination for the elderly.
Related news: Omicron local transmission has notably increased: VP

Translator: Katriana
Editor: Suharto
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