Jakarta (ANTARA) - The development of the nation's capital is a major opportunity for Indonesian architects, Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR), Basuki Hadimuljono, said in a written statement on Saturday.

"The relocation of the capital city is a huge leap toward a new Indonesia, which will bring a huge opportunity and challenge for architects, city planners, urban design specialists, and engineers to contribute and collaborate," he added.

"We very much welcome new ideas and creativity based on the combination of a modern city philosophy and local culture," he remarked.

The minister asked architects to channel their ideas and creativity for supporting the infrastructure development of the nation's capital, Nusantara, in East Kalimantan.

The contribution of architects is necessary for the development of the nation's capital that is implementing three pillars, he said.

The pillars comprise mirroring the national identity, ensuring social, economical, and environmental sustainability, and realizing a smart, modern, and world-class city, he added.

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According to Hadimuljono, the development of the nation's capital is not just about changing cities and moving central government buildings, but also planning a modern city center to realize the Future Smart Forest City of Indonesia.

The ministry has designed a planning document for the macro and meso stage, he informed.

It is now time for the document to enter the micro design stage, including Detailed Engineering Design, which will serve as a guideline for the physical development of Nusantara, he added.

The minister said he expects the three visions and mission pillars of the nation's new capital to be a reflection of the nation's advancement.

With this, it can serve as an example for the development of other cities in Indonesia, he added.

The urban design of the capital should mirror the nation's identity and be philosophically based on the nation's pillars: the Pancasila ideology, Bhinneka Tunggal Ika (Unity in Diversity), and the 1945 Constitution, Hadimuljono said.

Next, the new capital should promote social, economical, and environmental sustainability, he added.

To this end, the new capital's development concept seeks to minimize intervention in nature, integrate green and blue spaces, and preserve Kalimantan's forests, he said.

The new capital should be a cohesive city and prioritize information and communication technology to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), he added.
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Translator: Aji Cakti, Fadhli Ruhman
Editor: Suharto
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