Jakarta (ANTARA) - The dynamics of accelerating economic recovery during the Covid-19 pandemic differ in its development from one region to another. For Lumajang, one of the most significant differences is the eruption of Mount Semeru on December 4, 2021, which caused damage to road infrastructure, hampered economic activity, and caused fatalities. The Penta helix collaboration becomes a post-disaster economic recovery strategy that can help accelerate the Lumajang's economic cycle; hence, it encourages Aurum Group Indonesia - a business and management consulting company, to play an active role in infrastructure and people’s development through its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program.
On August 19, 2022, present to inaugurate the Kajar Kuning Bridge, namely the Governor of East Java Khofifah Indar Parawansa, the Regent of Lumajang Thoriqul Haq, and the Founder & CEO of Aurum Group Indonesia Cylvie Nuraini, along with officials from Lumajang Regency including the Public Works and Spatial Planning (PUPR) Service, Community Empowerment Agency, National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB), Regional Development Planning Agency (BAPAEDA), Candipuro Police, and local officials. The Kajar Kuning Bridge is a crucial road access for Lumajang residents, which connects Lumajang and Malang through Sumber Wuluh village in the Candipuro sub-district.
East Java Governor Khofifah stated, "We appreciate the Penta helix synergy for the realization of the construction of the Kajar Kuning bridge, by involving concrete support from Aurum Group Indonesia, in collaboration with the Lumajang Regent, PUPR agency, and other respective institutions. With the operation of this bridge, the community's economic mobilization and social connectivity can be reactivated."
Regent Thoriqul said, "The Kajar Kuning Bridge is dedicated to all Lumajang society to be more empowered, productive, and comfortable in crossing this vital bridge. We thank the East Java Provincial Government and Aurum Group Indonesia for the realization of this bridge construction, which is expected to provide benefits and positive impacts for the daily economic activities of the community, especially for those affected by the eruption of Mount Semeru."

Founder & CEO of Aurum Group Indonesia, Cylvie Nuraini said, "We are grateful to the East Java Provincial Government and grateful to be able to support the Lumajang Regency Government in rebuilding the Kajar Kuning bridge, as part of our CSR program. We also support economic recovery after the eruption of Mount Semeru in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic through strengthening MSMEs and the PKK driving force team. We believe that good infrastructure combined with good quality of people are the two main factors for the economic progress in a region.”
The Kajar Kuning Bridge was severely damaged by the eruption of Mount Semeru, and eroded by the cold lava that crossed the river below. As a result, for months, mobility has stalled, and residents had to pass other unbearable alternative roads. The Kajar Kuning Bridge was rebuilt with a size of 7m x 10m.

This activity, together with the MSME strengthening program through Tempe Counseling and Festival Jajanan Pasar held today at the Arya Wiraraja Lumajang Hall, is a series of CSR programs from Aurum Group Indonesia, together with TP PKK (Driving Force Team of the Family Welfare Education). The Tempe Counseling and Festival Jajanan Pasar also collaborates with SA Partners and the FKS Group.
"As a business and management consulting company, our social mission is to play an active role in Indonesia's economic development, which can have a positive impact on the progress of the society," said Cylvie.
Strengthening MSMEs with the PKK Driving Force Team
The Tempe Counseling and Festival Jajanan Pasar took place at the Arya Wiraraja Pendopo, involving 15 booths selling various food and beverage products, batik, and MSME products. The activity, which was started in the morning and was open to the general public, was inaugurated by the Head of the East Java TP PKK Arumi Bachsin Emil Dardak, together with the Head of the Lumajang TP PKK Musfarinah Thoriq, the Deputy Regent of Lumajang Indah Amperawati Masdar, and the Founder & CEO of Aurum Group Indonesia Cylvie Nuraini.

In her speech, the Head of the East Java TP PKK, Arumi Bachsin Emil Dardak, encouraged, "The Tempe Counseling and Festival Jajanan Pasar covered aspects of the ten main tasks of the PKK, such as Food, Education and Trainings, Health, and Healthy Plan. We express our appreciation to the Lumajang Regent as the Head of the Lumajang Regency TP PKK, who has organized this activity for the community with the support of the private sector Aurum Group Indonesia, SA Partners, and FKS Group. The information presented on this occasion is beneficial, especially regarding the improvement of nutrition, which can be developed from the typical food of Lumajang in the form of Sego Kelor (Moringa) and tempe as one of the main dishes."
This counseling is also expected to answer one of the national challenges, the high rate of stunting and malnutrition in East Java, by 23.5% at the provincial level and 30.1% in Lumajang. Arumi added, "We are reminded again that to improve malnutrition and reduce stunting rates, it can be done simply by serving tempe at home. Tempe is very nutritious, easy to find, affordable prices, the processing can vary, and even mothers are familiar with cooking tempe, which has been passed down from generation to generation."
Head of the Lumajang District TP PKK Musfarinah Thoriq gave inspiration in front of 80 PKK mothers and MSME community, "We have high enthusiasm to carry out various valuable activities for PKK mothers and, of course, for the Lumajang community. With cooperation (gotong royong), I believe we can overcome different challenges and focus on achieving the goals according to the PKK's ten main tasks, including the prevention of stunting and malnutrition. For the representatives of MSMEs, we hope that tempe counseling from the expert, and cooking demonstrations of making jajanan pasar by a professional chef, can provide creative ideas to develop businesses in the culinary field, which of course, if they succeed, will improve welfare and ultimately boost the tourism sector in this region.”

The potential of the Lumajang tourism sector is immense, primarily if it is supported by the increasingly strong MSME sector, with Lumajang's culinary products and the creativity of local products. Currently, the food being the focus of business is Sego Kelor (Moringa), where in addition to its good nutritional content, Moringa leaves also have a distinctive taste. "At every opportunity, like today, we entertain guests and invitees with Sego Kelor. The side dishes can be varied, one of which is tempe," said Musfarinah.
Through counseling that is packaged in the form of a talk show with the Founder of the Indonesian Tempe Movement, Wida Winarno, PhD(c), participants are taught how to make good and clean tempe, which can be done independently at home. In the counseling moderated by Riana Kusumaningsari, Cofounder of SA Partners, Wida underlined interesting facts about tempe based on in-depth research.

Tempe is a traditional food in Indonesia with extraordinary nutrients, especially fermented tempe, which contains high levels of protein and B12. Tempe is also low in fat, does not contain saturated fat and cholesterol, and what is not widely known is that the nutritional content of tempe is equivalent to beef. This fact is vital to understand for all Indonesian society because at a much lower price or only about 4% compared to beef prices, tempe can provide almost the same nutrition.
For the mothers of the TP PKK, it is essential to socialize with the broader community of mothers that tempe is also rich in macro and micronutrients, which are suitable as complementary foods. The best ingredients for babies in tempe include isoflavones, para-probiotics, protein, calcium, iron, vitamin B12, and folate. These substances are beneficial for the digestive system, metabolic organs, cognitive development, and body composition, as well as the maturation of the immune system. For adults, tempe also provides benefits to help prevent cancer, overcome menopause syndrome, and maintain intestinal health for every stage of life, from infants to the elderly, including vegans.
Regarding sustainability and environmental friendliness, energy delivery of protein in tempe is 4x more efficient or only 10% compared to beef protein sources. In terms of the greenhouse effect, the efficiency of protein distribution is 22x more environmentally friendly or only 20% of CO2 emissions compared to beef.

"We are very pleased to collaborate with the Head of the East Java Province TP PKK and the Head of the Lumajang Regency TP PKK in the Tempe Counseling and Festival Jajanan Pasar for members and MSMEs players. We believe that one of the keys to the success of the economic movement is the activity of MSMEs to continue to learn, develop, innovate, seize new opportunities, and expand the market," said Cylvie at the end of the program, which was closed with a cooking demonstration of traditional snacks by Chef Remi.
Reporter: PR Wire
Editor: PR Wire
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