Jakarta (ANTARA) - The Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection has promulgated a guideline to encourage the meaningful participation of children in the process of regional development.

"We made a guideline on children's meaningful participation in development. The guideline will guide all parties in the implementation of children's participation," the ministry's acting Deputy for Children's Rights Fulfillment Rini Handayani said here on Wednesday.

According to her, the reason behind the creation of the guideline is to secure children's participation in development, which has not been much so far.
Further, children also do not know how their voices can be heard and the role adults can play in supporting their aspirations.

She noted that her ministry has continued to encourage the implementation of development that involves children's participation, starting from the grassroots level.

"We encouraged a Children's Musrenbang (Development Planning Conference), children as 2P (Pioneers and Reporters)," she said.

Handayani highlighted that the space for children's participation in development needs to be opened as wide as possible. Children are no longer just beneficiaries of development, but also subjects who can actively voice their aspirations in each development process.

She expressed the hope that with the presence of the guideline, children will safely express their opinions on the development process.

Regional governments can also carry out their responsibilities to consider children's aspirations in the development process and realize them through policies, programs, and activities.

For partners of the Children's Forum, the guideline is expected to support them in preparing, assisting, and monitoring children's participation in the development process.

"For development partners, this guideline is to give support and to take part in the implementation of children's participation in the development process," she said.

The guideline is the result of a collaboration between the ministry, Save the Children Indonesia, the National Children's Forum, and the Children & Youth Advisory Network (CYAN).

"Through the development of this technical guideline, I hope that in the future, Indonesian children can involve themselves and be involved more not only in the development planning, but also in all the process of development," she remarked.

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Translator: Anita Permata, Raka Adji
Editor: Rahmad Nasution
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