"We want to encourage students to implement the noble values of Pancasila in daily life through project-based learning," Makarim said in a statement received here on Sunday.
In commemoration of Pancasila Sanctity Day, the minister called for the spirit of gotong royong (cooperation) to be passed on to the nation's next generation.
He said that the ministry transforms the Pancasila values, including gotong royong, into the Freedom in Learning and Culture Movement.
According to him, the five principles of Pancasila must not only be memorized but also applied and used as a guideline in daily human life.
"The changes and breakthroughs that have been made must be increased, and the benefits and impacts that have been caused must be amplified," he said.
The minister said that the Freedom in Learning and Culture Movement is an effort to maintain the unity and solidity of the nation.
He said that within four years, the movement had transformed the entire educational and cultural ecosystem.
"The impact was felt by students, teachers, education staff, artists, cultural players, and education units from early childhood education to universities, as well as various communities throughout the country," he said.
Makarim explained that the Merdeka Curriculum, which has been implemented in more than 13 thousand education units and supported by the National Assessment and Education Report Card programs, has provided flexibility in teaching and learning.
More than 460 thousand students have experienced learning outside their campus thanks to the Freedom in Learning and Campus (MBKM) program, he added.
"The students' freedom in learning and creating is Indonesia's key to leaping into the future," he said.
Translator: Andi F, Kenzu
Editor: Azis Kurmala
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