Jakarta (ANTARA) - Indonesia's Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning Minister Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) stated that he had prepared dozens of operational targets indicated as land mafia.

"We continue to progress. Right now, we have eyes on dozens of operational targets. We cannot dismantle them one by one. It needs an element of surprise as well," he remarked in Jakarta on Friday.

AHY affirmed that the public is in dire need of eradicating land mafia, as it had disrupted the sense of justice in society.

"Not only communities with low-incomes but high-profile figures also become the victims of land mafia. This practice undermines justice," he emphasized.

The minister also vowed to eradicate land mafia inside the ministry to clean the institution from land mafia games.

According to AHY, this effort is a commitment from his administration to provide legal certainty over land and create a sense of justice for the people of Indonesia.

"I will carry out the eradication externally and internally. Why so? (It is) because we cannot be firm outside but still have unresolved problems inside. We want to clean everything," he affirmed.

AHY had earlier noted that legal certainty regarding land could directly improve the Indonesian economy to encourage investment policies.

According to the minister, land is fundamental in all aspects, so providing legal certainty regarding land can attract investment.

Earlier, he emphasized that land mafia eradication needed support from the Prosecutor's Office, the National Police, and the local government.

"This complex issue must be dealt with through good synergy and collaboration," he stated.

On April 30, President Joko Widodo also remarked that the land mafia practice in Indonesia has decreased in the last decade in line with the government's consistency in increasing the distribution of land ownership certificates to rights owners.

Related news: Land certificates can bring added economic value: minister
Related news: Ministry takes legal action against land mafia in Batam

Translator: Ahmad Muzdaffar F, Resinta Sulistiyandari
Editor: Rahmad Nasution
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