Jakarta (ANTARA) - The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology is encouraging schools to create effective, creative, innovative, interesting, and fun programs and activities to implement the Healthy School Movement (GSS).

"Educational institutions can develop GSS implementation models that are effective, creative, innovative, interesting, and fun so that they can impact others," Winner Jihad Akbar, the ministry's director of high school, said on Tuesday.

He explained that schools must promote five aspects of health, namely nutritional health, physical health, immunization, mental health, and environmental health, sustainably to realize a culture of a clean and healthy lifestyle.

The movement is part of the ministry's Independent Learning program, which is aimed at transforming education to create excellent human resources, namely through school health.

Law Number 17 of 2023 concerning health states that health programs in schools are implemented to improve students, educators, and education staff's ability to live healthily.

Under the mandate of the law, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology issued a circular letter on February 19 concerning the GSS, which was addressed to the heads of all education offices in provinces, districts, and cities.

The circular states that GSS is a movement carried out jointly and continuously by the central and regional governments, as well as other partners, to create healthy schools and excellent generations in educational units.

Advocacy is continuing to be carried out to promote the movement, including in assisted high schools.

School principals or representatives from assisted education units from a number of provinces are being involved in the advocacy activities.

"There are 173 high schools out of a total of 514 district/city high schools where we are carrying out advocacy for GSS activities," he said.

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Translator: Astrid Faidlatul, Raka Adji
Editor: Anton Santoso
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