Jayapura (ANTARA) - The provincial government of Papua on Wednesday received a visit from the Embassy of the United Kingdom to Indonesia to discuss Chevening Scholarships for local civil servants.

Papua Regional Secretariat's acting assistant for people's economy and welfare, Suzana Wanggai, informed that a British Embassy official visited Jayapura with the aim of offering the scholarships to enhance the capacity of local state apparatus.

"We appreciate the visit, during which the embassy offered us a scholarship to augment the quality of civil servants in Papua," she said in Jayapura City.

Wanggai expressed the hope that the Papuan people would be granted more scholarship quotas so that the region can improve its human capital and empower its workforce.

"It should be noted that the government is currently focusing on developing the sectors of education, health, and economy, besides some other supporting sectors," she said.

During the meeting, Wanggai briefed the embassy's second secretary of political affairs, Nick Faulkner, on the marine and agricultural potential of Indonesia's Papua region.

Faulkner, on his part, said that his visit to Jayapura was aimed at providing detailed information about the Chevening Scholarships, considering the low number of scholarship alumni from Papua.

He affirmed that the British government has special concern for the development of the capacity of Papuan human capital.

Faulkner said that during his visit, he also discussed several strategic issues in Papua, such as the protection of women and children.

According to its website, Chevening offers one-year scholarships and fellowships that are fully funded by the British Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Office (FCDO) and partner organizations.

Related news: Chevening helps groom future Indonesian leaders: British Ambassador
Related news: Chevening Awards 2018 held for 68 Indonesian scholarship recipients

Translator: Qadri P, Tegar Nurfitra
Editor: Rahmad Nasution
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