Jakarta (ANTARA) - Tourism and Creative Economy Minister Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno expressed hope that the Golden Visa facility launched by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) on Thursday would boost investment in Indonesia’s tourism and creative economy sectors.

“The policy, which has been designed since 2022 and finalized throughout 2023, is finally launched today,” he remarked here on Thursday.

Golden Visa is a new form of Second Home Visa that targets investors, global business players, global talents, and foreign tourists who meet the criteria.

Foreign investors who are Golden Visa holders can have a residence permit in Indonesia for five to 10 years, with certain investment amounts required.

The minister expressed optimism that the Golden Visa facility would boost the number of quality tourists who will bolster the country’s tourism sector ecosystem.

”If investors use Golden Visa, it will be good for increasing the number of tourist trips, and later, they will also invite other investors and colleagues to go to Indonesia as an investment destination,” Uno remarked.

He revealed that several investors from the United States (US), Europe, and the Middle East had already inquired about the Golden Visa policy to invest in the tourism and creative economy sectors.

President Jokowi, at the launch of the Golden Visa facility in Jakarta on Thursday, stated that the government launched Golden Visa to facilitate foreign nationals' investment in Indonesia.

He also stated that the Golden Visa is only provided to good-quality travelers. Hence, the government will closely monitor, select, and consider their contribution.

The president stressed that the facility must not be used to allow people who will threaten the country's security or those who do not provide benefits to enter.

Related news: Golden Visa affirms Indonesia's strategic position: Minister Laoly
Related news: Golden Visa facility should be selectively offered to foreigners: Govt

Translator: Sinta Ambarwati, Raka Adji
Editor: Rahmad Nasution
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