Jakarta (ANTARA) - Vice President Ma'ruf Amin said that he considers books as the main instrument for boosting literacy and a prerequisite for a nation to produce people with sound intelligence.

"Books encourage us to think critically and enhance our capacity to solve issues," he explained during an event held to commemorate National Book Day 2024 at the National Library in Jakarta, which was live streamed by his secretariat.

The event was also held to mark the National Library's 44th anniversary and initiate the Village Literacy Movement.

"Through books, we can broaden our knowledge, deepen our understanding, and expand our insights," Amin said in his speech.

He also emphasized the need for libraries to serve as a source of inspiration and a center for promoting people's literacy.

He then underlined the importance of the nation paying even closer attention to the literacy rate.

In this regard, he cited a global study conducted by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), which showed that the literacy and numeracy capabilities of Indonesian students are still trailing those of other member states.

According to a 2023 survey, Indonesian people's interest in reading has remained relatively low, only recording an increase of less than 3 percent, he said.

"Such a condition should have prompted us to catch up with other countries so that Indonesia can improve its quality of human resources and significantly boost its national development," he said.

Taking note of this, Amin urged all relevant stakeholders to continue to pursue improvements in the literacy rate and human development.

Superior human resources are key to excelling at the global level, he added.

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Translator: Benardy F, Tegar Nurfitra
Editor: Anton Santoso
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