Jakarta (ANTARA) - Vice President Ma'ruf Amin has expressed the hope that the Village Literacy Movement would encourage more rural residents to play an active role in producing superior and competitive human resources required for developing Indonesian villages.

"Hopefully, the newly launched Village Literacy Movement will help Indonesia boost villagers' reading interest and capacity and also contribute to human development," he said during the launch of the national movement in Jakarta on Friday.

Speaking at the National Library, Amin expressed the hope that the movement would help the nation shift the mindset of rural residents to the better and encourage them to participate in government-initiated development and empowerment programs.

"The Village Literacy Movement can be used to inform mothers about the dangers posed by stunting to their children's future. That way, they will no longer (be) reluctant to bring their kids to health service posts," he expounded.

In its implementation, he added, the Village Literacy Movement should take into account the various traditions and cultures upheld by different villages in different regions.

"It is important for us to adopt sympathetic, humane, and smart approaches in engaging rural residents," he underlined.

Related news: National Library eyes to boost literacy in rural areas

During the event that was also held to commemorate National Book Day 2024, the Vice President outlined several viable measures for boosting the literacy rate of Indonesian rural residents.

"Firstly, we need to establish coordination and communication with various parties, including literacy activists, to formulate pro-literacy policies, including by providing comfortable and proper reading facilities," he said.

Secondly, there is a need to make the most of digital technology to support the dissemination of relevant information, he stressed.

"Thirdly, it is necessary to respect cultures, traditions, and local wisdom in villages that have been guiding their residents to keep learning and gaining knowledge," he pointed out.

He said he believes that well-educated and literate rural people could play a crucial role in enlightening the nation.

"Let us promote the reading culture and boost literacy in all elements of society in the hopes of bringing progress to all people, including those residing in remote villages," he added.

Related news: Books sharpen intelligence, says VP Amin

Translator: Benardy F, Tegar Nurfitra
Editor: Aditya Eko Sigit Wicaksono
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