Jakarta (ANTARA) - Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning Minister/Head of the National Land Agency Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono said that the World Bank responded positively to Indonesia's success in the land sector.

"It is an honor for Indonesia to present a success story of its best practice in land administration and agrarian reform. Thank God, we have received many positive responses from various parties, from the World Bank and other countries participating in the conference," he said here on Sunday.

He participated in the 2024 World Bank Land Conference in Washington DC. This activity was held again after a five-year hiatus, since the last event in 2019.

Minister Yudhoyono, who was met by journalists at the airport, said that the world praised President Joko Widodo's bold steps in accelerating land measurement and registration in the past seven years.

Thus, by 2024, more than 112 million lots of land have been recorded, which is an increase of 50 percent compared to the previous period.

Yudhoyono conveyed the praise that Indonesia has received from the World Bank. In front of the international forum, he emphasized the importance of presenting certainty of land rights for landowners.

He explained, with the certainty of land rights, investors can be more confident to invest in Indonesia because it is safer, and its prospects and productivity are guaranteed.

"Do not let this great potential be wasted because of the absence of legal certainty," he warned.

Without legal certainty, he said, investors can end up moving to other countries.

In addition, he said that Indonesia needs to have a competitive ecosystem for investment.

"We must also have a better, competitive, and promising investment climate and ecosystem. This can attract capital into Indonesia and ultimately support our economic growth," he said.

Related news: President hands over 3,000 land certificates in Bandung
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Translator: Aji C, Kenzu
Editor: Rahmad Nasution
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