Jakarta (ANTARA) - The Religious Affairs Ministry revealed that the Hajj escort (Kawal Haji) application was effective in tracking prospective Hajj pilgrims who got separated from their group.

"If Hajj pilgrims activate their location in the application, we can track their location and find out where their last position was," the ministry's Head of the Data and Integrated Hajj Information and Computerization System Sub-Directorate, Hasan Afandi, noted in a press statement on Monday.

He explained that Hajj pilgrims only need to enter their passport number into the application. Next, Hajj officials can immediately track their whereabouts if they are separated from the group.

This application can be accessed by all Hajj organizers (PPIH), Hajj pilgrims, and the general public, Afandi added.

He stated that currently, the application can only be accessed via Android devices, and it will soon be developed in an iOS version.

The application offers two features namely reporting of pilgrims and detection of the location and movement of pilgrims to facilitate the search process if they get lost or separated from the group.

To date, 229 reports have been submitted to the application. Most reports with 85 cases were related to accommodation, followed up by 69 reports on separated pilgrims, 53 reports related to transportation, and 22 reports related to construction, Afandi remarked.

Of the 229 reports, 175 reports have been resolved, and 77 others are still active or have not been closed, he revealed.

Meanwhile, Special Staff to the Minister of Religious Affairs for Media and Public Communications, Wibowo Prasetyo, stated that the application seeks to offer the greatest accessibility to all Hajj services and implementation as well as an effort to provide better communication by the ministry.

"This application is a connecting channel to accommodate Hajj pilgrims. We also ask for community involvement here. They can actively monitor the application for better Hajj implementation," Prasetyo noted.

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Translator: Lintang Budiyanti, Resinta Sulistiyandari
Editor: Aditya Eko Sigit Wicaksono
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