Jakarta (ANTARA) - State-owned Enterprises (SOEs) Minister Erick Thohir ensured that public digital services through the implementation of Government Technology (GovTech) are user-friendly or easy to use by the public.

"We are prioritizing user-friendly, so it makes it easy for the public to use the GovTech system without any complicated steps," Thohir remarked while giving a speech at the launch of GovTech Indonesia at the State Palace here on Monday.

Thohir explained to President Joko Widodo and other ministers of the Onward Indonesia Cabinet that state-owned currency printing enterprise Peruri has been assigned as the organizer of GovTech Indonesia, or also known as the Electronic-Based Government System (SPBE).

Peruri's assignment to become the GovTech refers to Presidential Regulation Number 82 of 2023 concerning the Acceleration of Digital Transformation and the Integration of National Digital Services.

Through GovTech, the Ministry of SOEs and Peruri seek to accelerate digital transformation and provide integrated and transparent government public services that can offer solutions, Thohir added.

Peruri's effort to integrate the public services of seven ministries is inseparable from the work of four hundred top talents coming from state-run enterprises and the private sector.

GovTech Indonesia is an improvement of that integration with a business process that is more transparent and measurable, Thohir stated.

"Mrs. Minister of Finance (Sri Mulyani Indrawati) always says that everything must be measurable and transparent, so that all programs that the president has launched can be right on target and do not need to be questioned or debated again in the future," he explained.

He stated that GovTech Indonesia not only integrates the public service infrastructure of several ministries but also consists of a data center and a government cloud.

One of the GovTech integrated services is the "Digital Identity Card (IKD)" as a "single sign-on" for all public service matters.

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Translator: Mentari G, Kenzu
Editor: Azis Kurmala
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