Jakarta (ANTARA) - State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform (PAN-RB) Minister Abdullah Azwar Anas stated that the implementation of government technology (GovTech) in the short term will focus on nine integrated priority services.

Anas conveyed this in his report at the 2024 Electronic-Based Government System (SPBE) Summit and the launch of Indonesian "GovTech" at the State Palace on Monday.

"For the short-term, GovTech will develop nine priority services in an integrated manner as well as integrating services that are ready to be consolidated, including BPN and BPJS Health and Employment," the minister remarked.

GovTech is a government digital team that will integrate national digital services.

He then outlined nine GovTech priority services for the short term, namely health services, education, social assistance, digital identity based on population data, One Data Indonesia services, financial transactions, portal service integration, state apparatus services, and online drivers' licenses.

Anas remarked that President Joko Widodo continued to remind him of the complex challenges in the future. The president is optimistic that public services in the country will run in a quick, easy, and transparent manner.

"In the future, people will only need one login and fill in one data to be able to access various services through one portal with secure personal data. They do not have to copy their ID card anymore," he explained.

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According to the minister, GovTech is not an application but rather an integrated implementation of the government's digital service ecosystem.

As an initial stage of initiation, 15 agencies are ready to integrate services on public service portals and government administration portals, he added.

"On this occasion, witnessed by the president, 15 agencies will sign a commitment in the GovTech as well as ensuring its sustainability in the future," Anas remarked.

He stated that President Widodo also drew attention to the new breakthroughs to further optimize the acceleration of digital service transformation of the Indonesian government.

The next strategic steps include strengthening GovTech Indonesia on an ongoing basis and bolstering institutional governance related to digital transformation coordination, he revealed.

"We hope this program will continue to be sustained according to the president's wish. In the future, it is expected to become part of the digital national strategic project or digital PSN," the minister revealed.

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Translator: Rangga Pandu/Yashinta Difa, Resinta S
Editor: Yuni Arisandy Sinaga
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