Jakarta (ANTARA) - Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi expects Indonesia's new capital, Nusantara City, to be the pioneer of intelligent transportation systems for the nation.

Gradual phasing in of the intelligent transportation system will be carried out in Nusantara City, and electric vehicles (EV), which will be the first stage of its implementation, will be mandatory for transport to and from the new capital, he stated.

"We are eager to make the new capital an example of a city with a good EV concept," Sumadi said on the sidelines of the 19th Intelligent Transport System (ITS) Asia Pacific Forum agenda here on Tuesday (May 28).

Sumadi highlighted that the government and the private sector have collaborated in preparing the EV ecosystem in the new capital, including its provision and operational scheme.

EV units will not only be provided by the government and its institutions but also by the private sector through CSR schemes or commercial sales, he noted.

"We will establish an ownership (scheme) for locals, leasing (scheme) for temporary use, and subsidized EV use," the minister highlighted.

The minister confirmed that the trial for EV operation in the new capital will take place next August. The government will gradually expand EV facilities and services in Nusantara City after the trial, he added.

Sumadi also revealed that an autonomous rail transit system for the new capital will be tested in August. Although he could not as yet ascertain when the project would become commercial, Sumadi affirmed that the project would be developed without the state budget.

Sumadi is upbeat that collaboration with the private sector would drive efforts to make Nusantara City the pioneer of intelligent transport in Indonesia.

The minister also expects regions nationwide to follow Nusantara City's lead by improving their transportation systems to realize intelligent transport.

Meanwhile, Intelligent Transport System (ITS) President William Sabandar stated that up to 80 percent of EV in Nusantara City will be in the form of public transportation.

Electric-powered public transport is deemed vital in the efforts to develop the new capital as a sustainable, net-zero emission city and a 10-minute city where all facilities will be within its residents' reach in 10 minutes.

Sabandar also revealed that his organization is preparing a master plan for an intelligent transport system for the new capital.

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Translator: M Harianto, Nabil Ihsan
Editor: Tia Mutiasari
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