It is important for us all to continue to increase cybersecurity amid the digital transformation agenda…
Jakarta (ANTARA) - Deputy Minister of Communication and Informatics Nezar Patria has underlined the importance of increasing cybersecurity, which he considers a crucial element of the national digital transformation.

"It is important for us all to continue to increase cybersecurity amid the digital transformation agenda that continues to develop," he said in Jakarta on Thursday.

Cyberattacks tend to increase with a rise in digital technology adoption. The 2023 Allianz Commercial Survey recorded an increase in global cybersecurity risks in 2023 compared to 2019.

According to the survey, global cybersecurity risks rose from around 40 percent in 2019 to 77 percent in 2023.

Google M-Trends 2024 revealed that easy targets for cyberattacks include the financial sector.

Patria noted that Indonesia is not free from cyberattacks.

According to the findings of the National Cyber and Crypto Agency (BSSN), Indonesia has often been the main source and target of cybersecurity anomalies.

He explained that cybersecurity anomalies can reduce the performance of telecommunications devices and networks, which can cause data theft and erode the reputation of and trust in an organization.

Therefore, he invited all parties to work together to improve national cybersecurity.

"In the national landscape, our cybersecurity ecosystem still needs to be bolstered," he said.

The deputy minister also stressed the importance of improving the capacity of human resources to optimize national cybersecurity.

To realize strong cybersecurity, he said, technology users can close gaps in cybersecurity postures in digitally connected environments, including for generative artificial intelligence (AI) technologies.

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Translator: Livia Kristianti, Raka Adji
Editor: Rahmad Nasution
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