Jakarta (ANTARA) - The Supreme Court's (MA's) Deputy Chief Justice for Non-Judicial Affairs Sunarto affirmed that Pancasila will always have relevance throughout the ages.

"(It is) because Pancasila was the ideology of our country and the philosophy of life of our nation," Sunarto stated after attending the commemoration of the birth of Pancasila at the MA Building, Jakarta, Saturday.

According to the court's deputy chief justice, Pancasila will remain relevant, as its values bind every citizen. Hence, he emphasized that the values of Pancasila should be preserved together.

"One of the moments was holding the ceremony of the commemoration of the birth of Pancasila," he explained.

Sunarto also remarked that various themes for the commemoration of the birth of Pancasila were normal as they adjusted to the circumstances of the times.

"However, the values of Pancasila in history since being discovered by Bung Karno (Indonesian first President Soekarno) until now remain very relevant to the life of the nation, society, and state in Indonesia," he stated.

MA held the ceremony from 7:55 a.m. to 8:15 a.m. local time.

The ceremony was based on the Circular Letter of the Head of the Pancasila Ideology Development Agency Number 2 of 2024 regarding Guidelines for Commemorating the Birth of Pancasila in 2024.

This year, the commemoration is themed "Pancasila was the Soul of Unifying the Nation Towards a Golden Indonesia in 2045."

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Translator: Rio Feisal, Asri Mayang Sari
Editor: Azis Kurmala
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