Jakarta (ANTARA) - Pancasila is an important foundation that strengthens the nation's unity, a crucial element in realizing the vision of Golden Indonesia 2045, according to the Communication and Informatics Ministry.

"In relation to Golden Indonesia 2045, we cannot achieve that if we are not united," said Usman Kansong, the ministry’s Director General of Public Information and Communication, on Saturday.

Indonesia commemorates the birth of Pancasila (the Five Principles) as the state philosophy every June 1.

Kansong remarked that the nation’s unity and solidity are considered key requirements to achieve this big vision, considering the differences and diversity that exist in Indonesia.

Amid rapid developments in the digital era that increasingly has no barriers to cultural and information exchange, several challenges exist in the efforts to maintain the nation's unity and sovereignty.

In this context, he affirmed that the biggest challenge is how to maintain digital sovereignty in the age of borderless connectivity.

Kansong emphasized that digital literacy is the main solution to facing this challenge.

Through the pillar of digital culture in the national digital transformation program, the government strives to maintain national cultural values, including Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution, the national motto Bhinneka Tunggal Ika (Unity in Diversity), local wisdom, as well as religious values.

"How can we realize digital sovereignty while we uphold our cultural values? We make this happen through digital literacy," he said.

Kansong underscored that the Personal Data Protection (PDP) Law and the Electronic Information Transaction Law (ITE) are considered important instruments in protecting digital sovereignty from negative contents that can divide national unity.

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Translator: Fathur, Kenzu
Editor: Anton Santoso
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