Jakarta (ANTARA) - The Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration underscored the need for village community empowerment to realize prosperous village communities and independent villages.

"The empowerment of village communities, disadvantaged regions, and transmigration is necessary," head of the ministry's Agency for Human Resources Development and Villages, Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration Community Empowerment (BPSDM PMDDT) Luthfiyah Nurlaela stated here on Monday.

She made the statement at the opening of the dissemination of guidelines for village community capacity building using village funds monitored online.

According to Nurlaela, the empowerment of village communities can be carried out by improving the quality of village governments and communities.

She affirmed that quality improvement can be achieved through training, guidance, and assistance from professional staff to communities in villages and disadvantaged and transmigration areas.

She noted that to encourage the implementation of village community empowerment, her agency had prepared policies and regulations that support it.

These policies and regulations are related, among other things, to guidelines for developing the capacity of communities in villages and disadvantaged and transmigration areas by utilizing village funds that are promoted through the dissemination of information by BPSDM PMDDT.

The dissemination of information is expected to provide a comprehensive understanding for people who have a role in empowering the community, such as the government, village assistants, and village activists.

According to the 2023 Village Developing Index (IDM), the number of Indonesian villages categorized as independent increased to 11,456, from 6,238 in 2022.

The number of developed villages also rose to 23,035 in 2023 as compared to the previous year's figure of 20,249.

Meanwhile, the number of developing villages in 2023 declined to 28,766, from 33,902 in 2022. Likewise, the number of underdeveloped villages and very underdeveloped villages declined to 7,154 and 4,850, respectively.

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Translator: Tri Meilani, Raka Adji
Editor: Azis Kurmala
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