Jakarta (ANTARA) - The Communication and Informatics Ministry (Kominfo) stated that artificial intelligence (AI) is more difficult to apply in the fisheries and agriculture sectors as compared to other sectors.

"The application of AI may be more appropriate in health and education, and it may be more difficult to apply in fisheries and agriculture," Kominfo's secretary of the directorate general of informatics applications, Nyoman Adhiarna, stated here on Tuesday.

Speaking at the 11th ASEAN Economic Dialogue in Jakarta, Adhiarna remarked that each sector, in terms of AI application, has a different level of readiness.

He highlighted that the AI application readiness depends on several factors, with the first being the AI infrastructure that requires locations to have network connectivity. He remarked that Indonesia is still in the process of realizing an equitable distribution of digital infrastructure.

"The second is about talent and skills. In my opinion, it is difficult to force and encourage our farmers to adopt this technology because their skill level is not high enough," he noted.

Meanwhile, the third issue is related to the government's incentives to boost the realization of digital transformation.

Kominfo stated that the Health Ministry and the Education, Culture, Research, and Technology Ministry had channeled a lot of funds for the improvement and digitization of the health and education sectors.

Furthermore, Adhiarna remarked that Indonesia does not yet have regulations regarding AI and only has the Kominfo Circular Letter that was issued last year.

Circular Letter Number 9 of 2023 has no implications and is only about ethics in using AI.

According to Oxford Insight in 2023, Indonesia is among the Southeast Asian countries that are ready to adopt AI as a solution.

In terms of the AI readiness index, Indonesia is in fourth place behind Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand.

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Translator: Kuntum R, Kenzu
Editor: Azis Kurmala
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