Jakarta (ANTARA) - Coordinating Economic Minister Airlangga Hartarto underscored the need for health transformation to encourage significant economic growth as a key to achieving the Golden Indonesia 2045 vision.

"Health transformation is the main pillar to achieving this vision. A healthy and productive society is the key to achieving significant economic growth for more equitable social welfare," he noted on Thursday.

Hartarto made the statement virtually at the 2024 HSBC Investment Forum titled "Empowering Indonesia's 2045 Golden Vision within Healthcare Transformation" on Thursday.

According to the minister, Healthy Indonesia is the government's program towards a Golden Indonesia by focusing on establishing a strong and responsive health system to ensure people's health by targeting a stunting rate below five percent and the elimination of tuberculosis (TB) and leprosy.

"The main strategies include strengthening medical personnel, developing health services in villages, improving nutrition in the first one thousand days of life, ensuring the education of hospital-based specialist doctors, and controlling the consumption of dangerous products for public health," Hartarto remarked.

He noted that various significant developments in health services can support more efficient and affordable services through the increased adoption of technology in healthcare, such as telemedicine, big data, and the use of artificial intelligence (AI) for diagnosis and treatment.

This development was followed by the government's efforts to improve the quality of health workers through training and education, the minister added.

Furthermore, he stated that the government has readied the state budget to support health transformation, amounting to Rp186.4 trillion (US$11 billion), an increase of 8.1 percent from the previous year.

This policy includes initiatives to encourage the pharmaceutical industry, improve access to and quality of health services, and support the National Health Insurance (JKN) program.

"The government also provides support through fiscal incentives to encourage investment in pioneer and strategic industries, including the pharmaceutical and medical equipment industries," Hartarto revealed.

He stated that support is provided through the provision of tax holiday, super tax deduction for research and development of up to 300 percent, and vocational super tax deduction of up to 200 percent.

He also emphasized that the implementation of health sector transformation programs should be supported by stakeholders to achieve the determined goal. Thus, collaboration between the government, private sectors, academics, and society is deemed necessary.

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Translator: Bayu Saputra, Resinta Sulistiyandari
Editor: Rahmad Nasution
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