Jakarta (ANTARA) - The Health Ministry downplays concerns that the government's Standard Inpatient Class (KRIS) initiative will significantly reduce hospital bed capacity.

KRIS, which will be implemented in June 2025, requires participating hospitals to have a maximum of four beds per room.

Deputy Minister of Health, Dante Saksono Harbuwono, said that a survey of KRIS-compliant hospitals showed minimal to no bed loss.

"We found that the reduction in hospital beds was only minimal, if not at all," he said during a hearing with Commission IX of the House of Representatives (DPR) in Jakarta on Thursday.

He reported that based on the survey, 609 hospitals would experience no change, while 292 would lose only 1–10 beds.

On the same occasion, Abdul Kadir, chairperson of the BPJS Kesehatan supervisory board, earlier highlighted the potential loss of hospital beds due to the implementation of KRIS.

He said that there are some hospitals that still have six to eight beds in each of their inpatient rooms, which will be reduced due to the KRIS requirement.

"We should consider this issue," he added.

Related news: Ministry says 2,316 hospitals meet all standard inpatient criteria
Related news: Ministry aims to implement KRIS at 3,060 hospitals by 2025

Translator: Tri Meilani A, Nabil Ihsan
Editor: Anton Santoso
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