Jakarta (ANTARA) - National Development Planning Minister and National Development Planning Agency (PPN/Bappenas) Head Suharso Monoarfa affirmed that the Papua Development Acceleration Information System (SIPPP) will play a crucial role in monitoring progress in expediting Papua's development.

"SIPPP will play an important role in monitoring progress in accelerating Papua's development, starting from planning, budgeting, and implementation to monitoring, evaluation, and control stages," Monoarfa remarked on Friday.

The minister made the statement at the launch of the 2022-2041 Papua Development Acceleration Master Plan (RIPPP) and SIPPP in Sorong City, Southwest Papua, which was monitored virtually from Jakarta.

The information system incorporates the synergy of several financing sources and planning and budgeting.

Specifically, SIPPP is directed to be used to support development planning by the central and regional governments, aligning development planning at the central and regional levels, central government review of regional planning, monitoring, controlling, reporting, and evaluating the implementation of development plans.

The SIPPP, developed by Bappenas, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Home Affairs, and the Vice President's Secretariat, is presented to support the RIPPP 2022-2041.

That means the SIPPP is an integrated information system platform within the RIPPP framework that is connected to other information systems based on the principles of data sharing and interoperability.

Furthermore, the preparation of RIPPP 2022-2041 is a mandate of Law Number 2 of 2021 concerning the second amendment to Law Number 21 of 2001 on special autonomy for Papua Province.

The master plan was prepared along with ministries and institutions, regional governments, and Papuan community leaders as a form of integrated planning between sectors and regions by prioritizing the principles of good financial management.

Currently, RIPPP has been stipulated as Presidential Regulation Number 24 of 2023.

"By launching this document, we can introduce all development actors, including the wider community, to the direction of long-term development in the region we love, the Papua region," the Head of Bappenas remarked.

He also expressed hope that the launch would be an important momentum in encouraging synchronization and harmonization of planning and budgeting, as well as collaboration between the central government, regional government, and other development actors to accelerate development in the Papua region.

In maintaining synergy between development planning documents, various policies in RIPPP have been aligned with the Final Plan for the National Long Term Development Plan (RAPJPN) 2025-2045.

Moreover, Presidential Decree Number 24 of 2023 mandated that the RIPPP 2022-2041 must be incorporated into the Papua Regional Action Plan (RAD) for 2025-2029 in accordance with the 2025-2029 National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN).

"The action plan document for the 2025-2029 period was prepared jointly with ministries, regional governments, Papuan community leaders, and other development actors that will contain priority programs and activities that address the root of development problems in Papua," Monoarfa explained.

He remarked that the action plan emphasizes synchronization of central, regional, and other development actors' planning as well as integration between funding sources.

"This aims to increase the integration of quality and effective planning and budgeting in order to achieve regional development targets," the Bappenas head remarked.

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Translator: M Baqir Idrus Alatas, Cindy Frishanti Octavia
Editor: Rahmad Nasution
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