He expressed hope that all parties can ensure that the public can get reliable and comfortable transportation services.
Jakarta (ANTARA) - Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi inspected public transportation facility in Jakarta and invited the public to use it more to reduce traffic congestion and pollution.

Minister Sumadi reviewed bus rapid transit TransJakarta by departing at the Patra Kuningan Stop to his destination at the Ragunan Zoo Stop on Sunday.

"I and the new director general (Director General of Land Transportation Risyapudin Nursin) want to ensure that urban mass transportation in Jakarta runs well," he commented.

In Ragunan Zoo, Minister Sumadi walked around and reviewed the tourism buses parked in the area.

He also conducted random checks on bus drivers, their driver's licenses and the bus status of passing the vehicle reliability test.

He carried out this to ensure the tourism bus roadworthiness.

Along the way, the minister greeted several residents who used the TransJakarta services, and also the tourism bus passengers. He educated them to check the bus feasibility for the sake of safety and comfort.

He expressed hope that all parties can ensure that the public can get reliable and comfortable transportation services.

"There has to be cheap public transportation and mayors throughout Indonesia need to remember that we (the government) have an obligation to prevent traffic jam and pollution by inviting people to use mass transportation," he said.

He mentioned that Jakarta now has many electric buses in operation.

The Jakarta Provincial Government provided a subsidy for public transportation totalling Rp4.3 trillion or around US$264 million every year.

In detail, Rp3.5 trillion or US$215 million is allocated for TransJakarta facility optimization and Rp800 billion or around US$49 million for the Jakarta mass rapid transit (MRT).

The subsidy is given to encourage public to use public transportation.

Related news: Jakarta to continue mass transport development: official
Related news: Minister urges local govts to improve mass transport service quality

Translator: Martha S, Kenzu
Editor: Arie Novarina
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