Jakarta (ANTARA) - Communication and Informatics Minister Budi Arie Setiadi acknowledged that his ministry needed a larger budgetary allotment for implementing national digital transformation programs in the upcoming year.

Setiadi remarked that for 2025, the Kominfo Ministry has assessed that it requires a budget totaling Rp20.11 trillion (US$1.2 billion) to implement its program, surpassing the allocation of Rp7.72 trillion (US$474 million) granted by the Ministry of Finance.

"In order for our programs to run, we need Commission I of the DPR (House of Representatives) to help us obtain an additional budget of Rp12.3 trillion (US$755 million)," he remarked during a meeting with the DPR in Jakarta on Monday.

For 2025, he revealed that the Kominfo Ministry had prepared various strategic programs related to the provision of information technology (IT) infrastructure; the management of frequency spectrum, device standards, and public services; the utilization of IT; and public communication.

Setiadi elaborated that the programs are aimed at supporting the 2025 Government Work Plan themed "Acceleration of Inclusive and Sustainable Economic Growth."

During the meeting, Setiadi also explained that the Kominfo Ministry is allotted a lower budget for next year due to the 2020-2024 National Strategic Plan for the Acceleration of National Digital Transformation coming to an end.

However, the minister emphasized that a higher budget is still needed as he considers that digital transformation should be sustained in order to support the 2024-2029 National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN).

"A sufficient budget is still required to support the 2025-2029 RPJMN, as I believe that digital transformation will remain an agenda item that is instrumental for achieving the Golden Indonesia 2045 vision. To that end, we think that our programs must continue," he pointed out.

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Translator: Livia K, Tegar Nurfitra
Editor: Rahmad Nasution
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