Jakarta (ANTARA) - Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto conveyed Indonesia's readiness to evacuate patients, build field hospitals, and deploy more medical teams to Gaza at an emergency international conference on Gaza held in Amman, Jordan, on Tuesday.

At the conference, which was co-hosted by Jordan, Egypt, and the UN, Prabowo informed that Indonesia is ready to increase its contribution to support the work of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) in Gaza.

"We will significantly increase our contribution to UNRWA and other immediate humanitarian assistance," he said in his speech while representing President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) at the conference.

He further said that Indonesia is ready to deploy a hospital ship and air assets to take part in airdrops when necessary.

"We are also willing to evacuate one thousand patients to be treated in Indonesian hospitals and to be returned to Gaza once they recover and the situation in Gaza becomes normal," he stated.

The Indonesian government is ready to evacuate children and orphans from Gaza, provide them post-trauma treatment and schooling, and send them back once the situation in Gaza is normal, he added.

He also emphasized that the humanitarian crisis in Gaza could end with a two-state solution, allowing Israel and Palestine to live side by side.

The emergency international conference on Gaza in Amman was held at the initiative of Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, Jordanian King Abdullah II bin Al-Hussein, and UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres.

The conference was attended by several leaders, including Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez, as well as top officials from Iraq, Lebanon, Japan, Rwanda, Australia, Mozambique, the European Union, Cyprus, Germany, the European Commission, the United Kingdom, and Northern Ireland.

At the conference, Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator at the UN Martin Griffiths said that the issues discussed at the conference included financial support for humanitarian aid in Gaza, a strategy to accelerate a ceasefire, and initial steps for recovery in Gaza.

Related news: Prabowo represents Indonesia at Jordan summit on Gaza

Related news: Indonesia welcomes UNSC resolution on ceasefire in Gaza Strip

Translator: Genta Tenri, Raka Adji
Editor: Tia Mutiasari
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