Jakarta (ANTARA) - The Nusantara Capital Authority (OIKN) and Motorola Solutions Inc. are collaborating to make Nusantara (IKN), the new capital of Indonesia in East Kalimantan, a safe city.

OIKN Deputy for Green and Digital Transformation Mohammed Ali Berawi stated that the development of IKN is a project with vast opportunities to produce various types of knowledge creation and the latest technological developments.

"With mega-scale activities and various convenience facilities prepared by the government, moving the capital city is a great opportunity for all parties to participate in carrying out a legacy of civilizational development, including in the current global context," Berawi stated in Jakarta, Thursday.

He also said that the smart city blueprint has inspired collaboration between numerous international technology providers and investors to develop IKN.

OIKN and Motorola Solutions Inc. officially signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) at the OIKN Office as a form of commitment to participate in developing IKN as a smart city that is green, resilient, sustainable, and inclusive.

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Richard Brecher, as Director of Global Government Affairs at Motorola, expressed similar enthusiasm.

"Building a new national capital is an opportunity that is not available to every generation. We hope to contribute to building a robust, interoperable, and sustainable technology system at IKN," Brecher affirmed.

Moreover, Motorola Director for Indonesia-Singapore-Brunei Chang Kar Weng also lauded the plans and road map to realize IKN as a green, sustainable, and resilient city.

"In addition to green initiatives, Motorola is committed to developing technology and solutions for public security and safety in order to build IKN as a safe city," Chang remarked.

Motorola, also with the support of the United States Trade and Development Agency (USTDA), is committed to implementing technology and solutions in the security and public safety sectors.

The implementation is in the form of video surveillance, emergency communications, access control, and a command center pilot project development consortium by the end of 2024.

Related news: More than 50 LOI show interest in IKN smart city concept

Translator: Aji Cakti, Cindy Frishanti Octavia
Editor: Yuni Arisandy Sinaga
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