Jakarta (ANTARA) - Deputy Minister of Trade Jerry Sambuaga emphasized that it is mandatory for all online shopping platforms operating in Indonesia to abide by Trade Minister's Regulation No. 31 of 2023 on electronic commerce systems.

Sambuaga made the statement to address the concerns of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises Minister Teten Masduki over Chinese shopping app Temu likely debuting in Indonesia, which he deems as posing an even greater threat than TikTok Shop.

"We will not allow any shopping applications or platforms to operate here if they do not comply (with the said regulation)," Sambuaga affirmed in Jakarta on Thursday.

The deputy minister underscored that the government had acted firmly against non-compliant e-commerce platforms, citing the closure of TikTok Shop as an instance.

He affirmed that the government would not dither from taking similar actions in the event of a shopping app violating the regulation.

"We have taken a concrete step by stopping the operations (of TikTok Shop)," he remarked.

In order to abide by the regulation, TikTok decided to integrate its shopping feature into an Indonesian e-commerce platform, Tokopedia.

Regarding Temu, Sambuaga said that he had yet to receive information on the marketplace's plan for penetrating the Indonesian market.

It is imperative for Temu to comply with Trade Minister's Regulation No. 31 of 2023 before operating in Indonesia, he reiterated.

Earlier, on June 10, Minister Masduki assessed that Temu's likely entry into Indonesia could endanger local businesses, as the e-commerce platform can connect 80 factories in China directly with international consumers.

He noted that the Chinese online shopping app had been operating in as many as 58 countries worldwide.

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Translator: Maria C, Tegar Nurfitra
Editor: Azis Kurmala
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