Jakarta (ANTARA) - Speaker of the House of Representatives (DPR), Puan Maharani, on Monday announced the national legislative body's plan to establish a special committee that will be tasked with evaluating the implementation of this year's Hajj pilgrimage. "The Hajj monitoring team of the DPR is planning to form a special committee to evaluate the implementation of 2024 Hajj pilgrimage," she said, according to a written statement issued in Jakarta the same day.

She explained that the establishment of the special committee is aimed at ensuring improvements in services for Indonesian Hajj pilgrims during future Hajj seasons.

The House Speaker said that the special committee will be asked to evaluate this year's Hajj pilgrimage in a comprehensive manner and identify shortfalls.

"Even though this year's Hajj pilgrimage has been running more conducively compared to last year, it is necessary for us to continue pursuing improvements in the quality of Hajj services," she explained.

She added that the DPR's Hajj monitoring team has assessed that several policies will need to be revised or adjusted to augment the quality of Hajj services offered by the government.

The monitoring team, she continued, has been paying special attention to several aspects, such as the management of Hajj quotas, Hajj officers, and Hajj budget.

"The DPR will hear out the Hajj monitoring team's official report. We will, of course, provide support for all requisite steps for the sake of improving the quality of services as well as boosting the efficiency of the Hajj pilgrimage," she underlined.

Earlier, a member of the Hajj monitoring team, Diah Pitaloka, stressed that the special committee will also touch upon practical aspects rather than merely drawing attention to normative issues.

"For instance, the committee will evaluate the management of Hajj quotas, management of Hajj officers, and management of Hajj budget," she said.

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Translator: Fauzi, Tegar Nurfitra
Editor: M Razi Rahman
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