…this cooperation is not a defense pact or military alliance, but cooperation strengthening and confidence-building measures to help maintain the territorial integrity of Indonesia…and help maintain world peace.
Jakarta (ANTARA) - Nine factions of Commission I of the House of Representatives (DPR) have backed the ratification of a bill on defense cooperation between Indonesia and Brazil, India, Cambodia, France, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

The bill was discussed during a meeting between Commission I and Foreign Affairs Minister Retno Marsudi and Deputy Minister of Defense, Muhammad Herindra, at the parliamentary complex in Jakarta on Wednesday.

"The formation of this cooperation is increasingly important because it can increase Indonesia's national resilience in a world that is increasingly filled with uncertainty and geopolitical rivalries that are increasingly sharp," Marsudi said after the meeting.

She informed that the defense cooperation would be carried out based on the principles upheld by Indonesia, including the free and active foreign policy.

"I emphasize that this cooperation is not a defense pact or military alliance, but cooperation strengthening and confidence-building measures to help maintain the territorial integrity of Indonesia and bolster defense and help maintain world peace," she said.

The bill was approved by nine factions of Commission I, namely PDI-P, Golkar, Gerindra, Nasdem, PKB, Demokrat, PKS, PAN, and PPP.

Based on their approval, the government and the DPR will form a working committee and continue deliberations on the bill in the next stage, that is, a plenary meeting.

The minister explained that Indonesia's defense cooperation with the five countries would include exchanging visits, holding dialogue, carrying out capacity building, and pursuing cooperation in the fields of science and technology, among other things.

The cooperation would also open up opportunities for Indonesia to carry out the joint development and joint marketing of defense industry products with several countries.

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Translator: Yashinta Difa, Raka Adji
Editor: Rahmad Nasution
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