Solo (ANTARA) - Youth and Sports Minister Dito Ariotedjo met with Mayor of Solo Gibran Rakabuming Raka to discuss preparations for the 2024 National Paralympic Week (Peparnas) scheduled to take place in Central Java Province.

Earlier, the Indonesian National Paralympic Committee (NPC) decided to designate Central Java as the new host for the national event following the withdrawal of the initial host, North Sumatra, as conveyed during a limited meeting attended by President Joko Widodo on June 13.

"In last week's limited meeting, we decided to transfer the host status to Central Java, with a special focus on Solo, Boyolali, Sukoharjo, and Karanganyar regions. Today, we held an inaugural preparatory meeting," Ariotedjo remarked after meeting Gibran in Solo on Friday

The minister noted that the meeting was held to support Central Java in making preparations for Peparnas that will be held in less than five months.

Ariotedjo revealed that based on the plan, Peparnas will take place at 14 venues in Solo and three venues in Boyolali, Sukoharjo, and Karanganyar.

To that end, the Ministry of Youth and Sports will maintain intensive coordination with the Solo city government to ensure proper preparations for the multi-sport event.

"Since 2022, when it hosted the 11th ASEAN Para Games, Solo has been maintaining (the preparedness of) its sports venues and hotels," he highlighted.

The minister then expressed hope that Indonesia would be able to host more high-quality sports events.

Mayor Gibran, for his part, extended gratitude to the minister for entrusting Solo as the host for the upcoming Peparnas.

"Solo is once again chosen as the host for a major sports event. Considering the limited time (for preparations), we should make minor improvements at several venues posthaste," he emphasized.

He also ensured that all venues and arenas in Solo are all set for the holding of various games during the Peparnas.

"God willing, all venues and facilities in Solo are well prepared. I am confident about our readiness since we have hosted two editions of the ASEAN Para Games," he stated.

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Translator: Aris W, Tegar Nurfitra
Editor: Rahmad Nasution
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