"Even though his term in office is about to end, President Widodo keeps being there for the community to ensure that priority agendas run well and have an impact on improving the quality of life throughout the country,"
Jakarta (ANTARA) - Coordinator of the president's advisors, Ari Dwipayana, said that a Kompas R&D survey showing an increase in satisfaction with the Joko Widodo administration is proof of public appreciation for the government's performance.

As per the Kompas R&D survey, the level of public satisfaction with the Joko Widodo-Ma'ruf Amin administration increased from 73.59 percent in December 2023 to 75.6 percent in June 2024, Dwipayana informed in a written message received here on Friday.

"Thank you for the trust, appreciation, and support given by various elements of society to the President and all levels of government. The Kompas R&D survey result is proof of the public's appreciation for the government's hard work," he said.

He added that given the uncertain global economic and political situation, the increase in public satisfaction has not made the government complacent.

The positive appreciation from the masses, he added, has motivated the government to continue its efforts to complete the development priority agenda and ensure that its performance in all sectors improves.

Toward the end of his leadership term, President Widodo has continued to be committed to working optimally, remaining consistent in carrying out leadership that prioritizes the people and is close to or based on the interests of the community, in addition to national interests.

"Even though his term in office is about to end, President Widodo keeps being there for the community to ensure that priority agendas run well and have an impact on improving the quality of life throughout the country," Dwipayana said.

According to the Kompas R&D survey, public satisfaction with the current administration on its work on equal development distribution reached 74.5 percent — the highest level of appreciation for the Widodo-Amin administration in the economic sector.

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Translator: Mentari G, Kenzu
Editor: Arie Novarina
Copyright © ANTARA 2024