Jakarta (ANTARA) - Minister of Communication and Informatics Budi Arie Setiadi stated that normalcy had been restored in the operation of the immigration system after incomplete recovery due to disruptions at the Temporary National Data Center (PDNS) 2.

This is proven by the operational immigration system at Soekarno-Hatta Airport's automated gate service on Sunday evening (June 23), both at international arrivals and departures.

"Immigration (services) at international arrivals and departures were returning to normal. The autogate can be used. There was no queue piling up like yesterday," the minister told ANTARA on Sunday.

This confirms the latest statement from Director General of Informatics Applications of the Ministry of Communication and Informatics, Semuel Abrijani Pangerapan, that the restoration of immigration services had been carried out by the Directorate General of Immigration from the Ministry of Law and Human Rights for a gradual immigration recovery service.

"Recovery efforts and mitigation measures are ongoing for other service systems to prevent wider impacts. It is carried out by setting a priority scale to maintain optimal public services," Pangerapan remarked.

The ministry continually strives to restore PDNS 2 by collaborating with related institutions and agencies, such as the National Cyber and Crypto Agency (BSSN), PT Telkom, and the National Police.

"We also continue to be committed to taking strategic and quick steps for the benefit of the wider community," he affirmed.

Apart from the Soekarno-Hatta Airport, improvements to immigration services have also been carried out at other international airports, such as Ngurah Rai Airport, Bali, according to the Bali Law and Human Rights Regional Office.

"We give the best immigration services through a combination of manual and digital services," Head of the Bali Law and Human Rights Regional Office, Pramella Yunidar Pasaribu, stated while reviewing immigration services at Ngurah Rai Airport, Bali, on Sunday.

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Translator: Livia Kristianti, Resinta Sulistiyandari
Editor: Aditya Eko Sigit Wicaksono
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