Tanimbar Islands, Maluku (ANTARA) - Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini, on Thursday, opened a social granary in Tanimbar Islands District, Maluku Province, to assist residents living with leprosy and mental illnesses.

The social granary, located within the Saumlaki Community Health Center in South Tanimbar Sub-district, is equipped with tools and equipment for disaster handling as well as basic items needed by leprosy survivors, such as towels, soaps, cutlery, vitamins, and staple foods.

Rismaharini underlined that the social granary is expected to help boost local people's awareness of the proper handling of leprosy cases, noting that those living with the disease should not share cutlery and toiletries with other family members.

"It must be noted that the cutlery and toiletry of leprosy survivors are not supposed to be used by other people. This is important to prevent transmission," she remarked.

The minister noted the social granary provides cutlery and toiletries of different colors to ensure that the items are not shared.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the granary provides pink cutlery for those infected and green ones for those who are healthy," she told local residents.

Rismaharini provided hens for the social granary, so that the eggs would be used to meet the nutritional needs of 66 beneficiaries of the granary.

The minister then suggested the implementation of a long-acting treatment method for people with mental disorders. With that method, people can treat the survivors by injecting medicines monthly, thereby eliminating the need for daily consumption of medicines.

"We have coordinated with the local social affairs office and health office to provide a monthly treatment for people with mental disorders at community health centers to pursue a higher level of convenience and effectiveness," she stated.

Related news: Ministry to build granaries for flood-affected residents in Pati

Related news: DPR asks community health centers to offer mental health services

Translator: Sean F, Tegar Nurfitra
Editor: Tia Mutiasari
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