…we see a trend of changing attack patterns, from open attacks to attacks that use radicalization against the nation's younger generation.
Jakarta (ANTARA) - Head of the National Counter Terrorism Agency (BNPT), Mohammed Rycko Amelza Dahniel, has said that there has been a shift in the terror attack pattern in Indonesia from a hard approach to a soft one.

"There has been a change in trend in the pattern of terrorist attacks in Indonesia from a hard to a soft approach of attacks," he informed during a working meeting with Commission III of the House of Representatives (DPR) here on Thursday.

He said that this can be seen from the absence of open terrorist attacks in the period from 2023 to June 2024.

However, he reminded that the situation reflects only what is visible on the surface. Beneath the surface, there has been an increase in the consolidation of "terror cells" and a rise in radicalization.

According to him, three things have indicated the increase in consolidation and radicalization.

First, a rise in the arrests of terror perpetrators and evidence compared to the previous year.

Second, an increase in fundraising using various methods and taking advantage of various opportunities, for example, through donation boxes placed in several places.

However, he affirmed that the anti-terror squad, Special Detachment 88 (Densus 88), of the National Police (Polri) and the relevant agencies have taken action against the practice of using donation boxes to collect funds for terror activities.

Meanwhile, the third is an increase in the radicalization of people in the country.

"This is where we see a trend of changing attack patterns, from open attacks to attacks that use radicalization against the nation's younger generation," he explained.

He further said that the change in pattern has occurred because the masterminds of terrorism understand the disposition of the Indonesian community, which tends to dislike violence.

Related news: Zero terror attacks since 2023 until now: BNPT
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Translator: Melalusa Susthira, Raka Adji
Editor: Azis Kurmala
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